If you had a QSO with me and want to exchange QSL, you can do it by 3 different ways:
– eQSL (the fastest way). The QSL is automatically generated after the QSO and you can collect it if you are an eQSL.cc member.
– via the Bureau (takes a little longer, but I’ll answer to all, no matter how long it takes)…
– direct QSL to my personal address (please, include a Self Addressed Envelope if you can):
       Please refer to QRZ.COM to view the personal address.

SWL reports are welcome and I’ll answer to all.
QRP stations are welcome, as well.
For any comments, please, send me an eMail: ct1eni @ outlook.pt

Dear OM, please notice:
I lost a large part of my old Log due to a hard disk crash, and unfortunately I didn’t have any backups. Therefore, QSOs between 1992 and 2010 are neither in the LogOnline nor in the QSO Map.

Rede dos Emissores Portugueses
member #1945

DX Cluster

eQSL received

DXCC list
